Friday, October 17, 2014


You know how they tell you blood is thicker than water, in theory that may be true, but recently I've realised that bad blood still runs within. So much wrong and so much hurt when situations like these occur. The horrifying selfish RUDE traits of someone you trust and look to for dependability simply because they are your elders. Tell me you wouldn't be annoyed, when a relative asks you for help, you take the time to plan and work out the solution. Then they decide to ignore your phone calls, tell their maid to tell you they're busy. And you never hear from them about it in the end. To add to that this person is blood. Why would you ask me to do it if you decided within a day that you didn't want my solution for you. Following other MULTIPLE incidents that another family member mentioned to me, I have decided against any more requests, from any extended family members, who aren't my direct family. Direct family referring to my parents, spouse, children, grandparents and godparents... I am sorely disappointed in the behavior that this person has exhibited. Call me petty or whatever, I don't really care. I've noticed as we grow up and grow into our careers and get tangled up in family, things like spending time with my husband and little boy start to take priority rather than going to some hip new joint with a friend. I start thinking more about what school my child should be enrolling in and what to invest in and joint bank accounts and property purchase and whatnot, rather than who is saying what about me. This post was prompted by a sequence of messages sent by this family member, harassing and lecturing me over my lack of reply. So it's okay for you to be condescending and rude to me when I don't reply. But when you tell your maid to tell me your busy, and refuse my calls, and never call me back, and never say anything about it like it never happen, then THAT'S OKAY ? thanks but no thanks.

So here's to LETTING GO of the toxic in my life, and embracing how lucky I am to have an amazing husband & son, and supportive parents who love me no matter what, my grandparents and godparents and sibling who love my little boy to bits. And the few friends who, despite my absence and constant cancelling due to Jacob needing a nap or throwing tantrums or being uncooperative, were understanding and continued to stay true to me, THANK YOU, thank you for being wondering and understanding and so giving. I love you guys <3

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