Sunday, September 13, 2015

Back after a long Hiatus

Sorry for the longest Hiatus !! I'm sure we all know how life gets. So much has happened I don't even know where to start! 

I suppose we can start with career. The last time I blogged, I was business development for the digital startup - e-sol media. Let's just say I reached the end of my tether after a very long year and quit. I got a couple of offers, and eventually ended up in a beauty supply and retail company. I'm not even going to go into that. But now, I think I have actually found my dream job. I am happily employed by Spartan Race! If you haven't heard of them - And they've inspired me so much I am in training for next years race! This years race for Singapore is coming up in November so there's no way I'm going to make that. (I'll be working on site anyway so no go). For the first time in ages, I actually have time to blog regularly, so you can expect lots of posts of rubbish haha. 

Please don't take offence to what I'm going to say next; I have had it with working for Asian employers. Aside from a select few, my asian bosses have worked me to the bone, with no regard for rest, family and personal time. Yes yes, I know what the mentality of working in Singapore is like, and I've had heaps of people tell me their employers are the same. Maybe I'm not lucky enough to get the good bosses. But let me tell you about working for an American company. They look out for you in so many ways that actually warmed my heart. They appreciate the good work that I do, and make sure I have enough time to spend with my family. I've never had anyone tell me to take the night off and not to do any work. 

I would also like to say a quick thank you to a dear friend Marcus from Social Metric who helped me secure this job. I truly appreciate you looking out for me and I will forever be grateful. Side note, Marcus' company Social metric is one of the best and most hardworking social media companies I have ever encountered. So hit them up if you ever need some Social Media Marketing done. 

So here's to living and breathing the Spartan Lifestyle. Wish me luck! 

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