Sunday, May 25, 2014

Days of future past

Rare date day w my darling yesterday afternoon. Thank you mummy for looking after jacob :) Managed to get ourselves some tickets to the latest x men movie in 3D. I'm still not the biggest fan of 3D, but still very much loving the xmen franchise. Lots of action and suspense and I was on the edge of my seat through most of it. Hubby was so excited that he ended up spilling some of his coke over the poor fellow on his right lol. Won't spoil it for all you folks who haven't seen it yet, but please don't forget to stay til the end of the credits. There's a mysterious new character, I'm assuming its a set up for the next movie :D 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

La Martina

Darling Husband and I were invited to the grand opening of La Martina at Marina Bay Sands last night to support our dear friend Ameer who is one of their gorgeous fashion ambassadors. Save you the history report by giving you the LINK (click here to go to La Martina's official website). It's been so long since I was invited to anything of the sort since Launceston has nothing fancy like that to offer, also what with the baby and everything. So anyway, it was an amazing event with delicious canapes and drinks, stunning models and most importantly gorgeous clothes. The new store was beautiful and tastefully decorated, extremely spacious and well designed. My mother very kindly watched over Jacob while Christopher and I enjoyed a rare night out (he was on my mind almost every other minute though). Like every other post I have to make this a short one as Jacob is already clinging to my leg, but stay tuned for pictures and I'd like to extend a big thank you to Ameer for inviting us and job well done to everyone who was involved in making last night such a big success! We had an amazing time <3 <3 

La martina has many other stores around the world with more to open over the next few days so check out the store locator on their website for a store near you xxx 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sommerville park

It's real nice to be home. #resortlife ftw :D 

I wish I had a garden here!

I wish we had a garden in Singapore!! As much as I love the convenience of living in a condo, i miss our lovely garden in Australia so much! someone please tell me if you have managed to grow any of these fruits & vegetables! Perhaps there is room in my grandma's garden for a veggie patch. hehe. <3 <3 <3 

Monday, May 12, 2014


Wanted to share a meme of Jacob a good friend made for me :) 
Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there!! Was spoiled silly by my beautiful husband and son. M so tired (whats new) so off to bed for me zzzzz 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Long time coming

Throw back to when my little boy was tiny. Time has gone so so quickly, and I dread the day that I have to send my little boy to school. I am so fortunate to get to spend every day with him but the time has come that he go off to playgroup and I head off to rejoin the workforce, well part time anyway.. The economy in KL is horrifying at the moment, so the hubby and I have been playing with the idea of opening a little bakery/cafe and putting off going back to the shop for now. It's always been a dream of mine to have a little food establishment of my own, and with hubby being a baker by profession, it's the perfect combination. Stay tuned for more on this and be prepared for mouth watering pictures of delicious confectionaries and more <3 <3 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Kiki. K

My favourite place to get my yearly planner. Whether it be Kiki k on chapel street in Melbourne or the one here in ion orchard, singapore. I love Kiki k to bits. Costs a bit more than a simple planner (and pen ) from any old bookstore, but the colourful pages and prints (even comes w a book of stickers!!) make me love planning my week. Even added in my Solange stickers and boom got myself a party lol. The lovely lady who served me was so polite and even pulled a new one out for me. Even had a 20% discount :D thanks to my darling husband for this wonderful present. Xxx 

Saturday, May 3, 2014


From the vast natural beauty of Launceston, Tasmania to the urban jungle Singapore. The move has been extremely difficult, and sadly we had to leave a heap of our possessions behind to collect dust in my in laws garage. Jacob and Christopher seem to be coping well, and everyone has been so generous. We need to head back to KL soon, back to the shop but we've been having such an amazing time here we keep procrastinating, I wish we didn't have to leave but dwindling sales doesn't make for a very good business. Jacob seems to have gotten round his phobia of people and he chases after complete strangers, anxious to bid them hello and goodbye, and rushes after children wanting to play with them. I think it's time for playgroup! ! Does anyone have good expat playgroups here in singapore/KL to suggest ? Please and thank you my mommy friends!! Hope everyone had a wonderful Saturday! Xxxx 

Mummy's happy little boy

So we hit up the toys r us sale. And came home with 3 bags of toys, each bag bigger than Jacob. I think no more toys for awhile eh Jacob? We're running out of space in the house. Best purchase of the day was the lovely disney planes push car for $89. The shopping trip was followed by a visit to my cousin Viresh's house where Jacob was gifted yet another push car from disney's 'Cars'. The lucky boy went from no push cars to 2 lovely disney ones! Jacob says THANK YOU UNCLE VIRESH!!  The sale is still on at united square mums and dads!! So hurry down now!! 

Thursday, May 1, 2014



Thank you to my wonderful younger brother for whatsapping this to me! 
heading down there soon to get jacob a little push car. Unfortunately we had to leave ours behind in my in law's garage in Australia. Was just too big to bring over with us to Singapore. Yesterday our gorgeous Italian neighbour gifted us with a beautiful rocking moose ( yes rocking moose) from Ikea for little Jacob. Needless to say we are ever so grateful for the friends we have here in Singapore. So i'd like to extend a big thank you for the stream of love and presents that have been flowing in for my little family <3 <3